Back to it...Black Betty Squad resumed regular trainings on January 14, fresh and firing after a grand old month of holidays.
Benchmarking, anyone?Not content to start the year by simply grinding into gear and shuffling through a regular training calendar, a host of Betties turned out for our first ever Benchmarking session at UQ's athletics track on Jan 19.
Coach Mat Ryan put us through our paces with 400m, 10m, 60m runs, vertical leap assessment and pushups, rounding off the evening with a 3km time trial. It's safe to say that no one left feeling like they didn't get their $3.40 worth of track hire fees.
Two standout performances must be mentioned:
Stella "Stellar" Foley: whose 3km run looked about as effortful as a tumble down a well-buttered slip-n-slide.
Maylin "Arms" Chuah: casually flapping her hands over the top vertical leap assessment.
What's next?We return to Oakman Park, Moggil Rd, Toowong, on Thursday nights from 7-9pm, and training sessions remain open to all women who are interested in honing their fitness and skills. Betty squad members are of course welcome and encouraged to sign up for Women's Ultimate Frisbee League (WUFL) on Tuesday nights, starting Feb 2nd.
(Contact Colette Grgic for the down-low on WUFL
Betty's little black book is full of dates: selection tournaments, training blocks and a weekend training camp are in the works, as well as Australia Day pickup with our Open-team "brothers-lovers-and-others": Firestorm. play nationals?Team selections for Australian Ultimate Championships (nationals) are scheduled for early-mid March. Remember that Nationals this year will be in Adelaide, (next year it's Brissie's turn to be hosts with the most.)
Who to ask...Please get in touch with Laura or Molly via email if you have any questions about Nationals, calendar events, squad membership etc.